The little town of
For humans this would be called something like frustrations, anxieties, fears... here it's transitions. One of these transitions was a big storm that hit the town and lasted 15 minutes. After the storm was still a transition that lasted longer then that. maybe a few more months.
Anonymous said on
“At just about 6pm, in case you missed it, a spectacular storm blew through town. It rumbles as I type. Strong winds, heavy rain, pebble-sized hail, and flash flooding and it was all over in about 15 minutes.”
The church, known as the church, looses its cross. The website of the town says in the saddest reporter tones: “The cross now sits on the corner of
Now it is September. Transitioning into winter with cold and snow is the name of the present transition. I am sure the town will have more to tell but on the way there..there is a video. Brattstreet made by De Wai for you.